Tuesday, December 18, 2012


oh my gosh I woke up at ten today! I'm no longer living in China! oh and my finals were finished by Friday noon so I'm free :)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Lost Joy

The children in Newtown, CT were innocent, precious angels. My heart goes out to the brave teachers and little children that died.

What about those families thy already bought gifts for their children?
Why do we focus on gun control now? We can talk about politics later, now isn't the time.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Today is not my day

112: decided not to live in the library today, but the student union. Oh, and there happened to be a protest against fracking hahah, today is just not my day- loud unified voices can be annoying. But that's not why my day was ruined, hahahah you'll laugh at me because the fact that I went to two different dining halls for bagels and they didn't have any kind of just ruined my day lol.

and I'm just yawning nonstop. Everyone has probably seen my silver filled cavity by now.

I need coffee, I have an addiction blah and I'm only 18

407: I did a lot calc so I rewarded myself with coffee :) café mocha with soy 💜

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Day 5 at the library

459: I technically stayed overnight here........but I didn't sleep since I'm not sleeping but still writing this essay. Why must it be so long?

546: I keep forgetting I deactivated my Facebook, so I don't know why I keep on going to the website or the app on my phone. Talk about social media withdrawal haha.
506: Don't you worry, I went back to the dorm and slept. I might as well move to China now though, I got the whole sleep difference down.

But guess we're I'm at? My second homeee!
         (talk about going crazy *where)

look at those dark circles :(
512: this is genius, maybe I can sleep like a proper person now.
603: mwahah despite all this procrastination, I am still on top of things...to bad I'm getting sleepy.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


DAY 4 at the dreaded library.
I might as well sleep here.

512: I can't write this essay about Tiger Mom.
I don't know why. Actually I do, Sociology is probably the best subject I've ever learned about but the problem is, I have to think really deeply about it. hah

I did all the preparation before writing an essay: reading the four books, note taking, outlines.


730: I'm still here. I played screen snake, set for eleven minutes, and had a photo booth shoot.
This is what I have so far for the past hour and forty eight minutes:
As defined in the opening pages of Amy Chua's Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom as the breathing emblem of strength and power, stimulating fear and respect.

734: Somehow Pandora agrees with my procrastination because "Start the Party" from Camp Rock came on. I'm going crazy, what is this? It should be banned, it's so annoying. huh, I get why it was so catchy..

 736: Salina, stop dilly-dallying. Write sentence #2.